
Here’s where I’ll be posting the story behind Pooman Card Characters and the Pooman Cards you’ve drawn. Just tweet or instagram @poomancards your drawings to be featured.

The Alien from Uranus, was designed by my nephew, he is surprisingly only worth one brown star despite having buttocks for a face.

This is Gracie Gass, another of my nephew’s creations. She is worth one brown star and may have recently accidentally killed someone with her bowels.

This is Bernie Botthem. His favourite food is curry, he has it every night, then regrets it the next morning.

This is Steven Strainer. He is worth two brown stars. He would like to advise you to eat lots of fibre and drink more water.

Officer Doo Doo – Designed by my nephew. Officer Doo Doo has the power to imprison Pooman for five seconds, which suggests a very limited jurisdiction.

This is Squat the Dog, worth two brown stars, he recently got kicked out of his local Curling club over a misunderstanding about the rules of the game.